December was a busy one! My human realized whilst we were out walking that my PADS cape was starting to look a little small on me – and so I sized up – I’m getting so big now!! I also love my cape. We were doing this fun thing where every time I put my head through, my human was so pleased and I got kibble. Plus some of the times we actually got to walk too – my favourite!
As I’ve started to grow into my big paws and long legs, I’ve gotten so much better with my sitting, standing and folding down, as I seem to know where my legs are at all times now. The human is most pleased with this. Even if I do sometimes have my character wriggle when doing some moves.
For outings this month, we had some long car rides, one all the way out to Mission – I got to meet some lovely small humans and run around in their huge yard. On another of our car rides, we ended up in a place covered in stuff called snow – I took it all in my stride – quite literally. I was more excited about the other pup I got to walk with! Of course, it couldn’t be all fun – the human still had lots of work to do and so I got plenty of visits to the office where I’m getting so good at sleeping, especially when I have my favourite crocodile stuffy with me. You should see below how smart I looked with my name badge bandana and spectacles on, ready to work!
Of course, I had to get back on those trails, sniff all my favourite spots and see who else has been there. As it was Christmas I also sent a card to very nice folks in Colorado who drew lovely pictures for me when I moved to Canada. For New Year’s Eve, I went to a very nice restaurant with my humans and I had a nice snooze under the table before we got home safe and sound before those noisy fireworks started. Not that I was worried about them at all. I think that’s the main pupdates I have for you…ah, aside from the silly hat my human bought in November – yes, turns out I did wear it for the humans for a little while – it seemed to make them very happy, so you know, all in a day’s work for me.
Submitted by: J.