For a short month, human had us going all over the place! Lots of shopping for home things, so plenty of time for me to sniff all the Home Depot and IKEA aisles. Plus, not meaning to brag, but I think I helped human spend less money, as I drew her attention away very easily from the kitchen accessories! I’m sure she’ll thank me later.

Human seems to work in lots of different office buildings, so I got to visit a new one this month! Lots of new people and smells for me to enjoy. Even more exciting was how we got there – I went on the SeaBus and the SkyTrain! Wow, those are busy places! I was so impressive on the SeaBus, as soon as we set off on the high seas, I tucked right under the human’s legs and watched the world bob by. The SkyTrain I did the same; well, I tried. I may be a little bigger than some of the crawl spaces under seats. Human seemed to really appreciate the effort though. 🙂

Oh, how can I forget, I had my first overnight stay with my Sitter – she’s the best! She sets me up in front of my “Huckle TV” – human calls it a window. Well, whatever it is, I can watch the comings and goings all day and I sit on my massive comfy bed. Check it out below!

As I’ve also been working so hard on all my Training, human did make sure I got plenty of play dates. You can see how much I enjoyed running with Maia – although I’m not sure why I look so tired compared to her…I was just as fast…for a while, at least!

Submitted by: J.