I am officially a sage(?!) One-Year-Old! Thank you, Nicola Wealth Private Giving Fund, I think you guys helped keep my belly full with plenty of kibble and helped me go to the vet all those times I had to go this year; I really appreciate it. Human has a before and after picture of me below; it took lots of kibbles to top out at 75lbs!

For my birthday party, Puzzle and I went to the beach and had a blast! Human was also so proud to see my very first doggy paddle. We also realised I love all things water, the beach, the streams, even the peaceful garden fountain, and I want to see it all! It’s also been a nice way to keep cool.

We’ve been doing extra training outside of class, and I get to see PADS Perry from a distance, as well as PADS Puzzle. It’s so tough – I love meeting everyone, so I’m still trying to learn how to be calm about it. I’m also learning more about how to sit and watch the world go by – a good lesson for the Human too. Doesn’t sound like too bad a homework task for next month… ?!

Submitted by: J