March was a rollercoaster ride; I had a really poor tummy at the start of the month, so I had a few weeks of rest and recuperation. Thankfully I made a full recovery, and have come back louder and stronger than ever before! Also, kind of a big deal, I have a best friend. His name is Puzzle. He is the best. We let the humans join us on our hikes. They call us back, we take a treat, whatever. It’s lame that they insist on babysitting us, but they’re always so excited when we come back for a treat so we keep them around.
Puzzle and I also did a bunch of other walks to a clothing store, Home Depot, Walmart, and Save On, and then after one of our longer hikes, we went to White Spot and had a two-hour nap under the table. Humans were happy as they got milkshakes. Gotta keep them sweet, I guess!
For my Training I’m still figuring out the leash thing – it’s still so strange, the harder I pull the slower we’re going. I know I’ll get the hang of it eventually. Human said I’m so impressive, as I’ve learnt some really nice Heel and Side moves. Handy when we do our groceries so as I can sit in a good spot.
I’m so excited about everything right now (Human agrees!!!) and can’t wait to see what Puzzle and I get up to next month – stay tuned!
Submitted by: J.