Wow – what a month! I left my original family back in the States, arrived here on the West Coast of Canada, stayed with a lovely family for a few weeks, and then moved yet again to stay with this new human close to the mountains and sea. A lot of change in a month for a little pup! 

My new human was so excited to have me stay, and we’ve hit the ground running with activities this month. I’ve had playdates with other PADS puppies on two different occasions, a fun day out to the aquarium to see the fishes and otters, many strolls on the seawalls of Downtown and the North Shore, forest bathing on some short trails in the mountains, and then there’s all the visits to the office! The most fun was the very first visit to the head office; my human thought it would be a good idea to visit on a Saturday so that I could sniff about the place without getting overwhelmed with lots of people there too. It would appear as though security is very good there; however, as we shortly had a police officer come and see who was in the office on a Saturday! My human was a bit embarrassed, but I fixed everything with a lot of tail wags and puppy kisses to the officer. Thank goodness I was there! I then went into the office three other times when there were lots of humans who wanted to say hello – my human is a bit protective but I got to say hi to lots of adoring fans. On one of the days, my human had a presentation, but she didn’t do too well (a little distracted with me, what can I say?!), so when we went for a team lunch at a restaurant afterwards, I made sure to sleep on the bosses’ shoes to help keep his feet warm and make sure my human wasn’t in too much trouble. I’m not sure she knows how hard it is to look after her sometimes! My human’s highlight for the month was the first time I finally slept deeply in front of the fire after one of our walks. Apparently, I was trying to run in my sleep! I guess I knew I had my own place to stay for the next little while. 

Well, that was November – for next month, I’m a little nervous – on one of our shopping trips, the human bought a very silly-looking Christmas hat that I think she is hoping I’ll wear next month…stay tuned to see who wins that discussion! 


Submitted by: J