
Hey everyone, it’s Jones here again with my monthly update. May has been a busy and exciting month, filled with learning, socializing, and plenty of outdoor fun.

In terms of my training, I’ve been working hard on various objectives both in class and at home with my raisers. I’ve been focusing on improving my down duration and holding my stand, and I’m doing really well with my loose leash walking. Each of these tasks brings its own challenges, but I’m making steady progress and learning new things every day.

Aside from training, I’ve been enjoying lots of outdoor walks and hikes. The weather has been great, and there’s nothing like exploring nature and taking in all the sights and smells of spring. This month I got to go to a couple of community garage sales. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet lots of people and even socialize with a few furry friends who were also out hunting for bargains. I had a blast, and it was great to practice my social skills in a new environment.

Looking ahead, I’m really excited about getting out on the lake for some paddle boarding with my raisers. I can’t wait to feel the cool water and enjoy the sunshine. Plus, I hope to spend some time at the dog beach – there’s nothing like a good swim and playtime with other dogs!

All in all, May has been a wonderful month filled with growth, new experiences, and plenty of fun. Thanks for following along on my journey, and I can’t wait to see what adventures June will bring.

Submitted by: Terry & Sandy