
In the past three months, she has had a blast with me and vice versa.

I am a recreation therapist, and I take the dogs in my care on fun outings with my clients. In April, she went to Cypress Mountain, Deep Cove and Whyte Cliff Park, where she saw Orcas. In May, she got to take a Harbour Air Plane and have a mini vacation for Mother’s Day to Victoria, and we stayed with my parents. She has taken the bus a number of times. Also, in May, she attended a Drag Show, met a Drag Queen, visited Van Dusen Gardens, took a trip on BC ferries, went to a Bowling Alley, and visited Kits Beach. She very much likes my Schnoodle Penny and my cat Maple. She ran 2 KM with us every morning, ran off leash in the forest and went on hikes in the Capilano Canyon. She liked when we had a party, hung out with other dogs and was good when she went to visit at our friends’ homes. She does not howl when I play guitar and sing; I am still learning, and she does not judge my skill level or when I hit a wrong note. Good dog life!!!

Submitted by: Melissa, Advanced Dog Sitter