The month before Christmas and all through the house… lots of bustling and preparation going on for the big day. And Kiyoko is a new puppy to us, soaking up everything!
After many difficult days of, “I just don’t know what you want me to do here outside! It’s cold out here and I’d rather do it in the house, thank you!” And after the first couple of weeks, she has finally gotten the knack of house training with fewer accidents.
Kiyoko was mentored by my 2-year-old grand puppy Jeff for a few weeks while the kids were on holiday. Jeff taught her house manners and acceptable indoor play practice and she learned some valuable lessons while off-leash on the local trails in the woods.
In the house, she is sometimes in her X-pen so that she doesn’t get into trouble or on a tether during dinner to help her learn the proper conduct of GO IN and stay put.
She found her first Geocache while on a short hike on a wooded trail in Vernon. One of many adventures she will accompany me on as she grows, and the hikes will become longer and longer.
December activities included a Christmas concert at the school, where we read with the kids, a trip to the dentist, a haircut, and shopping at Save On Foods, where she was so tired that she fell asleep in the grocery cart! She’s growing out of her small car kennel, but she loves it because it is so cozy and warm.
Kiyoko attended her first indoor PADS puppy classes this month where she learned valuable dog distraction lessons with her young classmates. We practiced long leash recalls and learned to perch on a tiny stool. By the next class, she was already moving her hind legs around the perch.
We attended a Friday night Vernon Vipers hockey game with eight other PADS pups and helped raise money for PADS by selling 50/50 tickets. A great teaching venue for the pups with SO many people, both young and old, loud noises and of course the smell of food and popcorn.
Later in the month, we went to the chiropractor and to Costco where she was not fazed by the multitude of Christmas shoppers. One snowy/rainy evening we attended the arrival of the CPKC Holiday Train that rolled into town at 2 stops, Canoe and Salmon Arm to lift Christmas spirits with live music and collect donations for the local food banks. Kiyoko was so cold that she snuggled into dad’s big coat to get warm and out of the wet.
Kiyoko went a couple of times this month to read with the kids at the local elementary school. They love to greet her with a smothering of pets, and she loves to respond with kisses. She’s learning to settle in the library as they read to her.
Christmas was celebrated over three days with a small gathering of just our family with 5 adults, our young grandson, grand pup Jeff and 4 cats. The pups practiced good house manners, sharing their toys on the dog bed. At times, Kiyoko was on a tether when there was too much going on or with presents being ripped open. Kiyoko also is learning how to behave around a toddler who does not appreciate the jumping antics of a young pup.
New Year’s Eve was celebrated quietly at home, with just the 3 of us, watching the ball drop on TV in Times Square. Looking forward to the new year bringing us more joy while raising and teaching our newest PADS puppy to learn the foundations to become an awesome service animal.
Submitted by: Chris Buitinga