I can’t believe Korra is one year old already.  She has come so far, so fast. She continues to do well in class, in our home training and overall.  She loves her dog friends, and she gets quite aroused by new pups when we are out walking.  She plays regularly with her new friend Shae, a hearing service dog from Ontario.  They are a good play match, and it gives Shae a break from her work to just play. 

She has started her first real off-leash walks, and so far, her recall is pretty good unless she sees one of her best people friends, whom she loves to greet.  We are working on it.

We went to the beach last week off-leash, and she still is not too interested in water.  Maybe this summer.  I would love to get her on my paddle board. 

Korra continues to be a super loving dog, nothing better than tummy rub cuddles unless it is to sit by your side looking adoringly at you, especially if she thinks you are sad or upset.

Submitted by: Penny Fisher