Wow, this Fall has been BUSY! When I first moved in with my human, she was home all the time. Then September came, and we started going to work all the time! There are kids all around and lots of learning happening (by them AND by me!). Now that I’ve been at school for a few months, I’m starting to get the hang of it… PSA for all the teenagers out there: The best way to survive a day of school is to chew a bone and snooze on your bed! Some of the most exciting things I learned at school this month were how to walk past PADS Bruni without getting too excited and how to ignore the kids that move around all the time. I’m really good at just sleeping in the corner of the classroom now! One special day, we dressed up, and I had a matching costume with my human. She was Little Red Riding Hood, and I was the wolf in Grandma’s clothes! 

I also get to spend some of the week with my other human. She has two other dogs at her house too, so the weekends are always fun! PADS Cannoli is staying with her until she’s ready for her job, and Larry just runs the house full-time as a pet. We get up to all kinds of Trou…adventures…when we’re together! 

Most of the time, I spend my days practicing “bed” and learning to share my toys with my friends. School is hard, and the humans make me practice things at home too, so I’m usually pretty tired when bedtime comes. 

As my humans say, I’m spunky, but I’m smart! And I’m growing up more and more each day!

Submitted by: Fiona Meagher