Link II has completed his pre-placement testing, and we anxiously await to hear his results! We spent the remainder of the month going on field trips and practicing fun, job-specific tasks. We have introduced a “Cuddle” and “Hug” cue to make people feel extra special while Link is on the job. He is always up for anything and is really settling into the AFD role. Link got some well-deserved time off over Christmas but is ready to return to work for the New Year!

  • Skills Being Learned: Nose poke to a wall, movement skills, position mechanics
  • Recent Field Trips: Chinook Mall, Mec, Downtown area
  • Possible Behaviour Challenges: Spikey arousal
  • Advanced Training Location: Calgary, AB

Your support for the Advanced Dog Link II is greatly appreciated!


Submitted by: Evelyn, Advanced Trainer