This month was full of changes in my routine and my hooman says I handled them like a pro! We dropped off and picked up a little boy from his school for a week, and I had to navigate around hundreds of little kids who were all so excited to see me. I sat calmly in the chaos and enjoyed the activity around me.
I had breakfast with my Auntie at IHOP and loved her up. I put my chin on her leg and lay on her feet.
I went on my first ferry ride on a trip to Sechelt. I experienced the ocean, it smelled so good! While there, we experienced a huge rainstorm then went to a restaurant to relax and warm up.
Saving the best until the last. It was my birthday as well as some of my siblings. And one of my humans shares the same birthday as me. We celebrated our special day with my siblings, playing at a leash-free dyke then again with all my human family!
We celebrated lots of birthdays, including my siblings and mine!
Submitted by: Sara Biggar