What a month we’ve had! We picked up my raiser’s sister at the airport and she stayed with us for a week. It was a new experience having a new human in the house! My raiser’s sister kept leaving cupboard doors open, so I was helpful and closed them for her. My raiser called me intuitive again. What’s that??
I went to a puppy sitter for the first time and slept overnight while my raisers went to a wedding. They say they had fun? Next time they should try out puppy sitters instead! We played with new toys, went for a visit at their parent’s house and I had a super long walk at a park. I was so tired when I got back home. I had a really long nap!
A few days later, I went on a long car ride to the Okanagan and got to play with released PADS Doppler and released PADS Sable. We stayed there for a week and I saw many deer and met lots of humans. The humans were fun, the deer – well, I kept my distance and just watched them.
We also went to lots of stores where there were supposedly scary things for something called Halloween. Psht! The only thing that scared me was when my raisers tried to turn me into a shark! But I got over that, the shark was pretending.
The last thing this month was the Halloween party at PADS where I had so much fun finding kibble in a bin of balls where I tipped the balls out to get the kibble. We walked through a balloon forest, went through a cave twice, played musical cues, and skipped the treats when they were placed near toys. What. A. Month!
Submitted by: Sara