Lulu has, once again, had a busy month. My bridge group has been meeting every Tuesday, and Lulu has both hosted with me and attended bridge at two other players’ homes. She behaved beautifully and all were very impressed with her. After recuperating from being spayed at the end of December, she took another airline flight to Vancouver Island. This is getting to be an old hat for her. She actually put her head down to rest for about 5 minutes!
Lulu participated in the Brookfield Place event, where she was petted for two hours by all who came near. She appreciated all the attention and could have lasted for a couple more hours.
Lulu went out to dinner with me a few times and enjoyed the YYC Experience. She was a special guest at my curling windup, and this evening, she is coming to Easter dinner at my daughter’s house.
The weather changes during March were hard to keep up with. Lulu went from wearing Muttluks to playing in the sun with the grandchildren.
All in all, she is turning into a sociable dog!
Submitted by: Lesley, Puppy Raiser