After careful consideration, Lulu has been released from Advanced Training. Lulu is a lovely, sweet and sensitive girl. However, Lulu is often a bit worried about things such as loud noises, other dogs, and unfamiliar environments. She has shown that she loves people and is very willing to please. This combination means that she will be a perfect fit for VIP placement. She will be a ‘Very Important Pet’ to a person with a disability and an amazing support to an entire family. She will be an amazing addition to a lucky home, and we wish Lulu and her forever family all the best as she transitions into life out of Cape. Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Lulu!

  • Skills Being Learned: Doorway manners, Recall out of play
  • Recent Field Trips: Homes Alive, Marshalls, Sue Higgins Park
  • Possible Behaviour Challenges: Spikey arousal / Worried
  • Advanced Training Location: Calgary, AB
  • Career Change: VIP


Your support for the Advanced Dog Lulu is greatly appreciated!


Submitted by: Evelyn, Advanced Trainer