
June 2024 Pupdate

Well, let’s see what has been going on with me this month. I’ve mostly done a lot of things, except for 1 week when one of my raisers wasn’t feeling well. I wanted to play and do stuff, but she just didn’t want to and that was strange to me. But at least it didn’t last long, and I had a week of not doing a lot.

Besides my classes and training during those times, I was out and about continuing with training & keeping me focused and having fun too.
We went to Fort Langley and walked around there. I went into some stores & saw lots of cool stuff.

I also got to play with some other PADS dogs at Bert Flinn Park. That was so awesome because we got to have fun, run around and be dogs. We also did training. I got so dirty & muddy too. We went there a couple of times, and of course, I got dirty. Afterwards, I am so tired out and sleep a lot.

Oh, and guess what we found out? I have a birthmark on my right shoulder. It’s a few black hairs. My raisers thought it was dirt at first.

I went to a birthday party at a brewery called Smuggler’s Trail. They have Puppy Flights there, and they let me have one. It was soooooo gooooood.

On the last day of the month, I went to a concert in the park. My raisers said they were Trooper. The music sounded good, but I was busy with my Kong and relaxing. I was so good.

My training is still going really well, and I continue to learn lots. One of the new things I am doing is chin for more than 1 second. Also now, I can perch and move a little bit around it. I have also started going to the big dog classes. I like it more now because I get to do new stuff. And of course, see my brother, PADS Casper and other dogs.

Submitted by: Monika Dunphy