
This month, I have been busy doing different things.

My raisers took me for a walk on a trail and also did some geocaching. What a great way to find new trails and find cool stuff too, except that there are no dog treats in those containers. On one of my walks, which was very late, I got to see the Northern Lights.

I also went to my first concert. It was so loud, and I’m so glad my raisers made sure to protect my ears. I had ear plugs and an ear muff to help, and also to keep the plugs in. It really helped, and I even got to lie down & relax. After the concert, they took me to the casino. Wow, what a busy place full of weird smells and noise. They even wanted to see my ID tag before going in. Wonder if they thought I would gamble too. Hahahaha!

Another place I went to was the Coquitlam Legion where I got to see a lot of other PADS dogs. All of us dogs/puppies were really good and everyone loved seeing us there. The Legion people even gave us bandanas to wear.

Oh, and we can’t forget another fun thing I did. We went to the PoCo May days, walked around and saw so much. There were a lot of people and dogs there too. It was so hot. While my raisers got to relax, listen to music and have some drinks, I got to relax in the shade and drink water. It was cool to watch everyone around me.

I think one of the most fun things I did this month was go to a sitter. But before I went to stay with her and her little dog, Maya, we got to go on a walk so the sitter lady could see how I was. She really liked me and I think her little dog kinda did too. We did a lot of fun things. I was there for about 6 days.

Of course, I’m still going to class or Zoom meetings to continue learning to be a great PADS dog. My raisers say that I am doing so good now. I even take treats so nicely too.

Submitted by: Monika Dunphy, Raiser

Bonus Pupdate:

Lumina is calm and very well-mannered. I could leave her with my senior pet dog in the same room while I am outside cleaning the car. She is the first puppy I could walk with my pet dog together by myself. She listens to corrections and follows directions well.

Below is a recap of Lumina’s ‘log book’:

– The sitter lady said I am the best puppy. She seems surprised that I have an ‘off switch’ that I turn on whenever she needs me to.
– The sitter lady said she had conference calls all morning so I practised kennelling. In the afternoon, we went to a very busy Costco for groceries. Some shoppers wanted to say hi to me, so I demoed how to ‘go say hi’ while having my eyes glued to my sitter lady.
– Went floor shopping then paint shopping then went to an Asian cafe. The aroma was amazing. Fell asleep while the humans enjoyed their meals.
– Went for a hike in the trails and saw my first bear. (see photo)

Submitted by: Agnes, Puppy in Training Sitter