Hello! My name is Mabel and I am a female Labrador Retriever. I am training to one day become a Pacific Assistance Dog. This is my first ever Pupdate, so allow me to fill you in on my January adventures.
I flew to Calgary from BC on December 22nd and have been living with my current raiser ever since! Since coming to Calgary, I’ve experienced so many new sights and smells! I experienced taking public transit for the first time and have gone to several restaurants, stores, cafes, and even a university! I am getting better and better at settling in public spaces every day!
I love learning new skills! I am currently working on my settling skills, “it’s yer choice,” dressing in my cape, responding to my name, and my loose leash walking. I have also been working on my “sit[s,]” “stand[s,]” and “down[s]” as well as moving between these positions.
I look forward to continuing to share my journey with you!
Submitted by: Kathleen