Wow, I feel different. At the start of March, I could not stop myself from romping, playing jumping wrestling – as Chuck-peep said – running amok – amok -amok -amok. Then, in the last week of March, I felt grown up. I’m more serious now, and my Chuck-peep says it’s something about, “The change”. I find it much more pleasant walking right beside Chuck-peeps’ side and listening to everything she says – for a while – longer than last month when I JUST COULD NOT STAY CALM!!!! I sit, stand, lay down stand, lay down, sit – she just can’t make up her mind what she wants me to do! But I do because she shares a kibble with me each time I do what she asks. Chuck-peeps is high maintenance but I heart her because Chuck-peeps is FOOD for my stomach and soul. She says I’m kind of growing on her, mmm, I am growing. PADS told Chuck-peeps, and she told me, that I need to lighten up, again. Now Perry-peeps does not give me food because Chuck-peeps thought SHE was the only one giving me food- she found out Perry-peeps was feeding me on the side – I didn’t bark a thing because I just like to go along with things and enjoy what kindness comes my way. Perry-peeps IS kind… but he is very quiet too -always looks around to see who’s watching before quietly sharing good things (treats)with me, “Shush, Miss Mara” he says. But not lately.
I found some pups at Centennial Beach in Tsawwassen, but they were no fun to play with. We did have a really good training walk in Pacific Spirit Park with uber-trainer George and his dogs (one has now gone off to its job)!
Submitted by: Charly Flesher