Hello Pupsters!

This has been a very busy start to November! 3 weeks ago, I met my new raisers who came all the way from Calgary, Alberta to pick me up in Burnaby and whisked me away to a much colder city. But the sun shines a lot more here and I don’t think I mind the snow. I miss my previous raisers as their house was much more entertaining, but I am getting used to the quieter life.

I have been learning how to do downs, sides, heels and perching as well, I go on lots of car rides, where the motion rocks me to sleep, and I have been out to the University on a weekly basis, a restaurant and Canadian Tire. My family says that many adventures await me as they have a very busy lifestyle, and like to do sports.

My raiser was very proud of me when I settled quickly and quietly for our first in-person business meeting. At the end of the meeting, everyone had forgotten that I was even there until I got up!

In my spare time, I get to be a puppy, play with other dogs, run around like crazy and I am going through a typical puppy-biting phase. My new raisers have nicknamed me Marni Mako, but they are helping to teach me what is ok to bite and what is not.

Otherwise, I rest peacefully by my raisers, even if I enjoy sleeping in strange positions.

Time for another dog-nap!
Barks for now!

Submitted by: Team Marni