Marsh’s Marvellous month of April:

April was definitely a marvellous month. I turned one and sent birthday greetings to my litter mates, but we didn’t get together for a chaotic play, unfortunately! My birthday gift was a feathered cat toy that I’m supposed to ignoreSuch a boring gift, and I didn’t even get cake, but I did get healthy blueberries and yams. I did have a few play dates with older dogs throughout the month, and I was under strict instructions to have good manners and to play nicely, which I did. 

Inside the house, I managed to be calm and quiet with the other dog, and one dog even slept over in the other room. Outings have taken me to the high school, the shops, libraries, coffee shops and many other places. 

One weekend, we went on the ferry boat to Vancouver Island and visited students at the University of Victoria. People often want to pet me, and sometimes they do, and sometimes they don’t, and that depends on whether I can sit or lie still. At the elementary school, the kids were running around and kicking balls and talking in squeaky voices, and I found them easy to ignore. 

My leash walks can be a little discombobulated because I like to look around and sniff the grass, but we often go for walks around the quiet neighbourhood, and I can walk very nicely on leash when I’m in the right mood. One walk took us past a small farm with fancy chickens, a peacock, goats and big ducks. Another walk was at an equestrian show jumping centre where the horses were huge, and they kept galloping around and around. We had some beautiful sunny days and some very rainy daysI got to climb on an obstacle course in the garden which was wobbly and bumpy. On the rainy days, I did my training inside the house and garage and even that was a bit tiring because now there seem to be lots of cues to perform and even waiting patiently here and there can be exhausting. 

The month ended with me going to a sitter and seeing some of my favourite humans and my favourite cat friend Stewie.

Submitted by: Amanda