
Marshโ€™s Marvellous month of August

Summer holidays are in full swing, and lots of my friends have been going on exciting adventures. I too went on a road trip to the Okanagan, swam in the lake and relaxed on the beach. Our local berry farm is within walking distance, and sometimes my friends come over, and we walk there. Iโ€™ve never tasted a strawberry, but Iโ€™m told theyโ€™re delicious.

One never-ending training session involves me being calm around other dogs, so once a week, I meet up with other PADS dogs, and we walk around and then settle. This month, I met Raava and Picard, and we met inside because it was too hot outside.

Our local school hosted a community event with games for the kids. There were no other dogs there, so I got lots of attention and met police officers, paramedics and firefighters. The humans wonโ€™t let me have many play dates because they say Iโ€™m intact and might misbehave, but near our house, we have some forest trails, and I go to them a couple of times a week and have some off-leash fun. A boy like me needs to be able to run and play and sniff and burn up some energy, so I enjoy my off-leash walks.

The kids go back to school next week, so I can attend some of the sporting events there next term, and Iโ€™m looking forward to that more than the kids, I think.

At the end of the month, I attended a cheque presentation at Open Road Audi on Boundary, and they raised over $14,000 for PADS.

Submitted by: Jo & Laura