Marsh’s Marvellous month of June
This month has gone quickly, and I feel like I’ve done lots. Some of my outings are getting longer, and I’m getting used to staying in one place longer, waiting longer and doing less for longer periods. Also, I am left at home longer, but not very often. My friend Queenie came to stay for a few days, and she did everything slowly, but she was still fun, and I played at her speed. Off-leash outings included a park with a river, a huge hillside field by horse trails and our usual neighbourhood walk.
On-leash walks have been getting a little longer because the weather is nicer. Sometimes, I walk to church, have a nap there and walk home. For Granny’s birthday, we took her to see Anastasia the Musical, and that was great. I wasn’t too close to the stage, but I watched a bit and snoozed a bit.
The twins and Aunty M had birthdays, which meant we had to go shopping a lot. In one mall, we met up with Dior and Picard. 3 dogs in the atrium certainly attracted a lot of attention. A big part of my training now is doing what I should be doing for no kibble. One day, we went out for half an hour for a walk, shopping and home with no kibble. I am learning to ignore people, which is sometimes hard and sometimes easy, so my raiser often stops and talks to people, just to test me and help me learn to ignore them.
The weather has been nice, and I’ve had lots of time in the garden and my new favourite toy is a soft basketball, and I love running around with it. A+W had a fundraiser selling puppy patties, and I visited some staff and bought patties for my classmates.
The month ended with a shift at Langley Hospice. I had an area with a bed and toys, and I could see everyone going by, and they could see me. Some of the families and patients saw me, and I was allowed to go out and greet them. Everyone smiled and a few people even asked if I could visit again. I did my best to be really good and I waited patiently when the staff were busy. Summer is finally here, and I know there are more adventures around the corner.
Submitted by: Jo & Laura