Marsh’s Marvellous month of May:

May started off with me at my favourite sitter’s house. Stewie the cat was happy to see me, and little Momo was there to keep me company too.  Some days Momo and I went out and about together, and some days I went alone. We had a long photo shoot at the car dealership and left lots of love and hair in the building and cars.

One day, I went up Grouse Mountain in a cable car and walked across a high suspension bridge. It’s exciting going to new places, and just enjoy being out and tagging along with the humans.

GDBART day came and I went to the PADS campus for that. Right after the assessment, I went for a fun run by the river and had crazy zoomies in the water and muddy banks of the river. There is a group of dogs that live not too far from me, and so once a week, I try to get together with them. It’s called a dog distraction meeting, and I’m supposed to be really good and ignore them, but I think it’s going to take a long time for me to get good at that. My excitement levels take control, but I’m going to try my best and learn to be good around them.  

PADS Hope, my sister, met me for a walk by the river, and then we settled at a coffee shop. Oh my, we have so many things in common, and I sneaked in a few kisses at the end.

Outings included shops, libraries, and an elementary school and I went to work to do a real job. I worked two twelve-hour night shifts at Langley Hospice. The nurses all loved seeing me, and some family members saw me and came for some snuggle time. I visited three patients in their rooms and everyone I saw just smiled and patted my head and I made them happy. My bed and toys were in the nurse’s station, and sometimes when I wasn’t asleep, I was tethered on a long leash because there were times that I was by myself. No one slept much, and I napped on and off on my bed. Such a busy month for outings and at home  I’ve been working hard on perfecting my cues and not getting kibble every time.

Submitted by: Jo & Laura