Marsh’s Marvellous month of October

I’ve had a quieter month and have enjoyed staying home most days, but just for a few hours at a time. My new bed is just an old couch cushion with a soft blanket, but it’s very comfortable and bigger than the last one. For off-leash fun, I met Queenie, Luigi, Poblano and Finch, all on different days. On-leash training was with Luigi, Picard and Muffin, and I tried hard to ignore them, but that didn’t come easy for me.

This month, I visited a big pumpkin patch and some houses with Halloween decorations. My favourite though was a garden center with scarecrows and lots of autumn decorations. There was a full new moon one week, and I had so much extra energy, and I realized that I could run very fast, but that was followed by a week where I slept more.

Granny came over for Thanksgiving. We ate fresh moose meat instead of turkey. I say we because I enjoyed some chunks of moose meat, off-cuts, and they were delicious.

My leash walking skills have been needing work, so every day I have an extra walk and we work on my skills, I’m not allowed to sniff everything, but I wait until I’m told to go sniff. I think I’ve improved a tiny bit, but I still have to work hard on that.

Do you like my Halloween costume? I’m a knight, a royal knight, and my name is Sir Humpsalot.

Submitted by: Jo