Well, it’s been quite a month. I’ve been doing so many fun new things besides all the things I’ve been learning.
I went to my first in-person puppy class and saw my sisters, Libby & Honey. We weren’t allowed to say hi or play though, bummer.
I’ve met up with a couple of PADS friends for walks & training, one fun thing is something called adventure walks. I get to wander around on a flexi leash and sniff and explore outside stores, as this helps teach me to be confident.
Mom is teaching me to settle in a public place. I fell asleep under the table in the food court with another PADS dog close by, and mom was so impressed that she took me to watch dad’s hockey game that night. I had never been in an arena before. It was loud, with pucks hitting the boards and buzzers going off. I watched for a bit, then laid down as it was kind of boring, lol.
Mom & dad took me to hang out at the puppy puddle at the Invictus Games. I met so many wonderful competitors and their families, and lots of people came by to cuddle us and talk to mom & dad about PADS. There were other PADS dogs there, and I got a little silly with one of them, and then we both got silly. I was a big hit cause I was the youngest, and as we know, everyone loves puppies. It was pretty exhausting being so cute and spreading love on Valentine’s Day. I crashed as soon as I got into the car.
We also got to go to the closing ceremony, compliments of PADS. There was live music, and some important people gave speeches like Prince Harry, The Duke. My sister Honey was close to me although we didn’t see each other, we were both very well-behaved, and mom & dad said I did really well for being at such a big event.
I’ve been to a mattress store, grocery store and coffee shops, and we went to visit a friend of dad’s at the hospital. The guy got seriously hurt in hockey, so I’ll stick to watching.
So, that’s just a few of the things I’ve been up to, and I’m learning lots and loving every bit of it.
Bye till next month,
Meadow II
Submitted by: Alison