This month, Melon has been working on perfecting his skills for his pre-placement testing next month! He has been going on a lot of field trips, as well as learning some fun-specific tasks for the job. A few of those include giving hugs, a chin target to the lap of another person, and cuddling on the couch! He is a big cuddler, so Melon thinks that this job just keeps getting better! He has also spent much time with an advanced sitter this month, where he is learning to work for a novel handler. On his time off, Melon enjoys going to the lake and playing with his dog friends.

  • Skills being Learned: General obedience, body targeting, duration chin target to lap, hugs
  • Recent Field Trips: St. Albert Centre, Canadian Tire, West Edmonton Mall, Homes Alive
  • Possible Behaviour Challenges: Motivated by other dogs
  • Advanced Training Location: Calgary

We’re so grateful for your ongoing support of Advanced Dog Melon!

Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer