What a month I have had. To start things off, the hooman and I finished the fall semester of school, meaning we had a lot more time to spend together doing fun things. When the hooman was not working, we tried to spend some time on the trails. Not only was it good to get some fresh air, but it gave me the chance to practice good manners even though the ground was covered in snow! It was really hard for me to not have zoomies in the snow, but hooman gave me the chance to earn off-leash time. It was snow much fun, to say the least. The hooman worked a ton over the winter break, so I practiced being a good girl in the kennel. It is important for me to learn that not being with my hooman at all times is a good thing. I am slowly starting to understand that time to de-compress is a good thing, and I always know my hooman will be so happy to see me when my kennel time is over. As we get ready to head back to school and have a regular work schedule again, I am looking forward to having more chances to learn and train outside of the house.

Submitted by: Emily