– transitioning from puppy to adult coat; deciduous teeth fall out, permanent ones erupt;
– good at kenneling (both when she is home alone, and when humans are home); good at nail trimming/tooth brushing;
– used to walking during the day and in the evening (when it’s dark), rain or shine;
– good at being lured (with and without food) and at offering behaviours, but verbal cues are still a challenge (prefers reading her raiser’s body language and all sorts of other environmental cues); will be working on this in November/December;
– works on settling at public outings; at home, plays games that teach her to switch between different levels of arousal; learns to ignore moving objects (tennis balls bouncing around, indoor hockey pucks sliding by);
– improving her understanding that humans have sensitive skin; in moments of over-arousal tries to find a toy to hold in her mouth;
– doing her best to ignore slippers, hockey gear and kitchen countertops 🙂
– after vaccination, visits different parks and trails (which are a good physical exercise opportunity for a 4-month-old puppy); lots of interesting smells there… and yummy gifts of nature 🙂
– visited a pet store, walked around a dog park, and checked her weight at a local vet clinic (15.1 kg);
– visited Mr.P the great mentor several times (a mature confident Portuguese water dog; not inclined to run around); had a meetup with released PADS Peach II and her forever human (the dogs happily chased each other, tugged a toy, got trained and treated next to each other);
– visited a few very different stores, community centers, a library, and a middle school;
– visited her sitter Kris a couple of times (who lives in an apartment building and has a cat);
– had an interesting field trip to an ambulance service station (saw blinking lights on an ambulance vehicle, other equipment in motion, explored the vehicle from inside, got classically conditioned to the sound of siren);
– on October 31st, she was conditioned the same way to Halloween fireworks (and saw a few kids wearing costumes).

Please, enjoy a devil’s dozen of pics below 🙂

Submitted by: Ella