
My mommy was right when she said I would go on lots of adventures with my family.  In April, I got to take the kids to school that my family babysits every morning, and I would wait in the lineup with the Gr. 2/3 class.  I would sit nicely and watch all the kids go into the school before I would leave.  I got invited to family reading with this class and laid on the carpet listening to the kids reading me stories.  In April, I also got to help hand out hot lunches twice at the school – they even gave me a volunteer tag to wear.  

I also started to practice cutting my nails and I lay still while they fed me lots of treats.  We had a visitor doggy stay with us and I watched that doggy brush her teeth, and my mommy noticed I was really interested, so she got me my own tooth brush so that I could also practice.  

I am famous at Costco now and lots of staff know my name, as we live right by Costco, so we go there lots to practice walking around the store while we pick up a few groceries.  At the end of April, I got to meet Marsh II who is also training with PADS, and he is also staying with us for 2 weeks!

Submitted by: Amanda Kim