The snow was a definite highlight for me this month – lots of fun! It added a bonus to the forest walk with PADS release Tio and Marvel. However, I also had my neutering this month, so I had to take it easy for a couple of weeks and sadly missed out on some additional romps in the snow, but I’m back to my usual self now.

I’ve started a new training regime this month to help me be more comfortable in vehicles – so far, all is going well. I’m also working on being comfortable with getting eye drops – that is going slowly, but I’m trying.

I went to a concert at the Chan Centre – it wasn’t too exciting for me, so I fell asleep and had a lovely dream instead. The people in the seats in front of me thought that was pretty cute. Some other activities this month included going to a restaurant, attending a Campus Canine student event, and walking through a busy mall on a Saturday – my raiser said that I did great with them all. It sure feels like spring now – what a change from the way the month started!

Submitted by:Β Christine