My mommy told me that June would be a busy month, and she was right.Β There were lots of things for us to do and see at both the high school and elementary school.Β I got to hand out hot lunch again at the elementary school almost every Friday to different classes – my mommy and daddy took me to different classes each time – anywhere from Kindergarten to Grade 7 (of course, that’s where my sister is, so we always delivered to her class). The elementary school had a school movie night and we got to set up the concession stand and the gym.Β My mommy and daddy ran the concession stand, and I lay behind them with the drink cooler.Β Some parents didn’t even know I was there until they looked behind the table where I was lying.Β
I was invited to the thank you volunteer tea at the elementary school, and I laid under the table and watched the kids sing and dance. My mommy noticed my tail wagging, and I was so happy to see all the kids.Β Β I also went with my mommy and daddy to do a project with the Grade 7 kids for a surprise for their graduation.Β I helped set up the gym for the graduation ceremony and got to watch the rehearsal; well, my mommy noticed I fell asleep with the Grade 6 students between the benches with them.Β Afterwards, I went to the Grade 7 graduation ceremony and the reception and said goodbye to all the students.Β At the high school, I went to the recognition ceremony for the Grade 10 and Grade 11 students and surprised my mommy and daddy as I slept through all the clapping and cheering.Β
Besides the school things, I went to Costco lots to help buy food for the Grade 7 graduation and my sister’s 13th birthday party.Β I got to go to my sister’s birthday party in the park and had lots of fun.Β One of the kids put kibble and even a carrot on my feet, and I watched until I was told I could eat it.Β My mommy was very impressed!Β Β Something new I did this month was going to the movie theatre!Β All the popcorn smelled so good, and I wanted to eat it off the floor, but my daddy told me I couldn’t and gave me kibble instead.Β Once the theatre went dark and the movie started, I fell asleep, and the next thing I knew, my family told me it was time to go.Β I also went to a restaurant this month and tried to lie under the chair but decided I had more room to lie under the table instead.
Submitted by: Amanda & Conrad Kim