I started out the month with my old raiser as my new raiser was away for a few days – it was really nice to see them again and follow the familiar routine. Then I settled in nicely at my new home, where one of my favourite things is to look out the front window to see what is happening on the street. Some outings this month included a visit to the dentist, coffee shops, grocery shopping, orchestra practice, and a couple of Campus Canine events. I also had some fun beach walks and romps with other Campus Canine dogs. I finished off the month with a swim meet where I got to meet my brother Aang for the first time since we were little puppies!

There are a few things that I’m working on. I’m not too happy riding in a car, and I’m not too sure about how much I like bus rides either, but I’m going on shorter trips to get used to it. I’m working on my kenneling as I am not comfortable when I’m left alone in my kennel. And finally, I’m getting used to seeing statues on walks – the first one I saw made me quite nervous, but since then, it has been better.

Dog classes are going well. After some initial excitement, I’m good at focusing on my person and ignoring the dogs in the room. I’ve been great at my recall in an open field with some distractions which makes my raiser happy. As always, I continue to work on my loose leash walking, and it is also improving.

Next month is sure to a busy one – I’m looking forward to all the Christmas events!

Submitted by: Christine