Happy birthday to me. Yes, I turned 2 years old in October! Even though I am 2 now, I continue to be the loving, playful dog my raisers have come to know. I am so good when I go to work with my raiser. You know she works at a school in the office, and lately when the school bell rings, I go right to my kennel as I know that it is a busy time of day which means a quick nap for me. I also was able to spend Thanksgiving in Fernie, BC, with my raisers and Rocket, my big sister. We went on many long walks and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather. Other places I went this month included different voting poll stations, the mall, and Costco. At the end of the month, I went to the vet to be spayed. Skills I have been working on are greeting people, and this currently involves me doing chin. Also, we continue to work on distraction while loose leash walking. 

Submitted by: Vivianne, Andrew & Julia Carroll