In the middle of the month, Morley attended the Willow Park Charity Golf Tournament. He got the opportunity to spend time on the golf course and meet a variety of people. He also got to practice spending time around other PADS dogs. In typical Morley fashion, he was unbothered by other dogs and remained the perfect gentleman. He is pretty serious when he is in cape, but eventually finds that receiving attention from other people is part of the job and isn’t that bad.
Morley has continued to expand his skill set. He has become pretty proficient at ‘heel’ in a sitting position and can maintain position while moving between sit, down and stand. We are now working on ‘side’ from a sitting position. Morley has decided that tug is quite fun, but only if there is food at the end. We will continue to fade food while training and increase verbal reward. He has also shown marked improvement when told to ‘go in’ and has started doing this on food.
Next month, Morley turns a year old. Time has flown by with this special pup.
Submitted by: Stephanie