This month, Morley joined me as I started a new job. While we are still at the vet clinic on the weekend, he is learning how to settle into an office environment during the week. I am pleased to say that he seems to have figured out how to relax around people and dogs.

We enjoyed the last bits of summer with several trips to the off-leash park and walks by the river. No matter how convincing I am, I cannot convince Morley that swimming is fun.

Morley had plenty of opportunities this month to practice house manners around novel dogs as we had many PADS dogs come through the house this month including PADS Brinks, Billie and Galaxy. Training-wise, we continue to build the foundations of retrieving and nose targeting. Morley is getting more comfortable with picking up different-sized items and items of different composition. He has also been working around a stationary wheelchair in both heel and side positions.

Submitted by: Stephanie