Happy New Year! My raiser said I was a real party animal for my first New Year’s celebrations, I snored all the way through the fireworks and woke up in 2025 ready to go!
We started the New Year kicking off the hot chocolate festival at Peaked Pies with some PADS buddies. My raiser said the hot chocolate was Amazing and helped support my friend PADS Chickpea, and I even had a little taste of whipped cream!
In the evenings, I’ve had some big adventures. My raisers took me out to dinner twice where they said I was a rockstar settling under the table for two hours both times! Then one night we went to a movie, and even though it was loud and even longer than dinner, I settled and went to sleep!
Then it was my six-month birthday, so of course, we had to celebrate! I helped to pick out the hooman cake, and I got my own pupcake and lots of toys. And there were casualties…
And, of course, there have been all the hikes with my PADS friends. My raiser says it helps with my skills, but I say it’s just so much fun!
Submitted by: Claire