Wow, what a month it’s been. I had a really good outdoor class with other dogs just like me.
My humans picked some blueberries & I found out that I really like them, especially if they are frozen.
We went to a couple of farms too. They had lots of fruit there like strawberries & blueberries. It was really noisy sometimes because there were so many big airplanes flying over. It didn’t bother me. 1 flew over our truck, and it shook a little. I didn’t mind that either. My humans said there was an air show happening. I got to meet a new friend & she was so energetic. She really liked me too, and we played so much and so good together.
Then, something else happened. I became a grown-up lady. Yes, you got it. I came into heat and had to wear this stupid thing around my bum. My humans were not too happy because we were going on vacation soon and taking me with them.
I went on a very long truck ride. We got to stop at a few places on the way so they could eat and for me to stretch my legs & go to the bathroom. I was so good on the ride up there. We went to Vernon, where I spent my first night with some nice people and 2 cats. 1 cat was more friendly with me; the other just kept hiding. They also had a big backyard where I got to do a lot of running.
The next day I went to the babysitter. Her name was Carol, and she was so nice. We got to do a lot of things together. I was with her for 10 days. She even took me to an outside class. That was fun too. Carol took me to meet some farm animals like goats & even a horse.
After that, we went to visit some other people in Oliver. They had a dog too. I had fun there. I was also good on the ride home. We stopped again at a few places, and soon I was home again.
Submitted by: Monika Dunphy