Nova III maintains her status as the world’s “goodest” girl for the 9th month in a row. Her adolescence phase is indeed keeping us on our toes, but she still remains playful, highly intelligent and loyal. She is currently working on her side, heel, chin and roll, and is always eager to work. At PADS, we had to think about our pup’s love language. Nova’s is definitely acts of service– she is a go-go pup that loves to work and please you!
We went on many outings, including the Halloween store, Halloween parties, coffee shops and breweries (amongst the regular shopping-type outings). We went on a very special outing to the driving range to teach some middle schoolers how to perfect their swing. She was unphased by the chaos around and took it as an opportunity to nap in the sun. Her favourite day this month was probably “Twin Day” where she got to twin with PADS Bruni.
In November, she will be headed to a sitter for a while as we welcome a non-fur baby into the world. We are excited to hear about all the things she will be learning!
Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek