October was a bittersweet month raising Nova III. Extremely bitter as it was her last month with us before being turned in. Equally as sweet as we got to soak up every last moment with this absolutely brilliant dog. We celebrate how far she has come and all she has taught us. 🙂
We had many adventures, including chasing northern lights, voting and many fall noodle walks. She also got to see some of her sitters, as well as her favourite trainer, Nicole. As the weather turned colder, the fireplace turned on, and Nova found her spot right in front of it. If there wasn’t a barrier, we thought that she would’ve liked to climb in at times. We also had the opportunity to go trick or treating (she was so unfazed by the scary things unlike me), visit the pet store a TON of times, and get those last snuggles in with students.
Saying goodbye to her this month has been heartbreaking, but we know at the end of the day, it is not about us… raise a puppy, change a life… oh the double meaning. Our lives have forever been changed by this magnificent pup, watching her grow up with Selah has been a joy, honour and blessing.
Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek