This month Oliver has been learning how to alert to a doorbell and door knock! He also continues to work on his other alerts since we are making it more challenging. Oliver is still working really hard on being appropriate around other dogs and recalling away from them. He thinks that playtime is the BEST time! We have also been spending lots of time out in public working on generalizing his skill set. Oliver thinks that Advanced Training is the best thing ever because he LOVES working, and every day is work time!

  • Skills being Learned: Alerting to a timer, fire alarm, phone ring, doorbell and door knock, holding positions when excited, loose leash walking
  • Recent Field Trips: CARE Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton Transit, IKEA
  • Possible Behaviour Challenges: Very motivated by other dogs, fidgety/busy/vocal when the handler is idle, can sometimes take a while to recover from things that worry him
  • Advanced Training Location: Calgary

We’re so grateful for your support of Advanced Dog Oliver!


Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer