This month has been a whirlwind of socializing and new experiences. But as soon as I hit the 16-week mark, things have gotten serious. Outings are still fantastic, but now they’re more calculated and structured, teaching me valuable lessons every minute. I’m so eager to learn that I often find myself squealing with excitement! I’m refining the cues I’ve learned and grasping the significance of wearing my yellow vest.

From music festivals to a lacrosse game at Rogers Arena, I’ve been everywhere in the city – even to the Vancouver Aquarium, the Sea to Sky Gondola and a Chinese garden! The key to keeping up with my active raisers you asked? Well, my sleep! I spend ample time in my kennel, ensuring I stay youthful, refreshed, and ready to perform at my best – and it’s working. I am not only the best that I can be after a good daytime kennel, but I keep up with the training of being able to stay that long in the kennel.

Submitted by: Team Orbit