
Hello, my friends,

My raiser is not going to be able to share all of my adventures this month as I have been spreading my wings and enjoying the world outside of my routine.

Since I joined my family when I was 8 weeks old, I have been helping my raiser prepare for her solo show and as it opened this month, and there were so many social events and deliveries that we decided that it would be best for me to enjoy some new experiences with sitters on the North Shore.

Added to this, I also had my very first puppy swap and spent 2 weeks with another raiser in my class, so you can see that I haven’t been home much!

I can share that I went to watch Mary Poppins with my raiser but by now you know that going to the theatre is pretty boring for me. I can also tell you that during my puppy swap, I went camping and spent my time playing and hanging out with other PADS dogs. This was important as it was amazing to remind myself how to communicate with other dogs. My sister, Luna the cat, has been teaching me her language which is so different from our dog language.

I am doing very well with my skills and although I am still the biggest energy in my puppy class, I am finding it very easy to relax at home and in the studio. My long commute to work every day has stopped being a big event and I am finding that the bus is a lovely place to catch a few winks before we hit the busy streets.

Submitted by: Leanne Christie, Raiser


Bonus Puppy Swap Update!

An important part of learning for our puppies is getting used to working with another handler and getting used to somebody else’s routine. Our class instructor swapped around all of our dogs, and I was paired up with Orbit for two weeks this month.

This smart cookie wasted no time getting settled in the house and made fast friends with Groot the cat. We definitely shook things up for little Orbit in that for a week we left the city entirely, and went to a farm up in Pemberton for a few days, followed by some camping up at the beautiful Birkenhead Lake. She took it all in stride and particularly enjoyed all the time spent playing and training alongside PADS Electra, Folie, Taiga, Velvet and the handsome shepherd Leo.

Orbit’s raisers should be so proud of all the work they’re putting into this gem of a dog. Her manners at home, behaviour while out in public, and current level of skills are above and beyond what you often see in a six-month-old pup. Great work team Orbit!!!

Submitted by: Kailea, Puppy in Training Sitter