– missed Taurus
– visited a store where dogs are welcome
– walked on off-leash trails with PADS and non-PADS dogs
– had an entire dog park for herself once 🙂
– saw a boat, a tractor, a big white tent making flapping noises in the wind
– visited new parks and enjoyed some Zamboni “snow” 🙂
– had dog guests in her house: PADS Zuko (m), PADS Orbit (f) and PADS Yarrow (m)
– slept a lot
– had PADS classes/got trained a bit
– had a longer car trip out of town, watched an ambulance crew at a hospital
– visited an elementary and a high school premises
– did some body awareness and confidence-building exercises (played games)
– had a couple of play dates with Mr.P
– visited a pet store
– was exposed to road works (heavy equipment, people wearing bright gear)
– was habituated to visitors in the house (played with them in the backyard for counter-conditioning)
– had an off-leash romp with Taurus on June 1st!

Please, enjoy Peach’s May photo album below!  (Choose the arrow to see them all!)

Submitted by: Ella