One evening, mom went out by herself and came home with PADS Jules. She told me Jules is like my sister, and she used to live here when she was a puppy. I was so excited to see Jules, and I kept hanging out with her until bedtime on the first evening. For the next few days of her visit, I loved sleeping with her on the same bed, hugging her with my paws and kissing her with my heart.
Mom was showing me how Jules let mom do her nails and clean her ears in a very relaxed mode, well, I still have a bit of concern about that, but it seems no big deal. I also realized that Jules never barks! She doesn’t need to bark to communicate with her mom. I think I understand it, but I still can’t control it when I am too tired. I think I might be just thinking too loud.
Submitted by: Yin Pang