Hello, my name is Poppy III, and I’m 6 months old.
This is my very first Pupdate. I’ve been a bit slow to write this, but I am having so much fun that I just have to tell you all about it.
At 8 weeks old, I came to live with my new raiser. At first, it was very quiet without my siblings, Sesame and Quinoa, but that didn’t last long. Pretty soon, we were playing games with pots and pans and even cookie sheets with kibble hidden among them. Then there’s this noisy machine that makes all the dirt on the floor, just disappear. I’m still trying to figure out how it works. The good thing is I get all the attention and all the kibble so that makes it so much better. Sometimes my raiser’s friends come to visit, and they bring toys for me. Who knew things could be so amazing?
When we go outside into the backyard, there are these furry, funny-looking, fluffy, long-tailed things that run up trees called squirrels and black caw, caw, cawing things in the sky called crows. They make me laugh and keep me company when my raiser and I play hide-and-seek. Sometimes, I even have my friends over to play tug in the backyard, too.
We do a lot of games with treats and do I ever love treats. Sometimes at night, we go down into a dark place with lots of cars and meet so many other dogs that look just like me. It’s so great to be with other dogs all in our yellow capes and I want to jump around and greet everyone. I am trying really hard to be calm and polite and focus on my raiser but it’s not easy when I’m so happy.
The other day my raiser put these things over my eyes that made everything turn yellow. Wow, it was so fun! She said something about me looking cool, and I’m not sure what that means, but I got a lot of kibble so things are pretty good here.
Lately, we’ve been going to a lot of different places in my yellow cape, like places with lots of people food, and other places with big machines and tools. Did you know there are even special places to buy food, toys and treats just for dogs? What a wonderful world! My favourite is going to places called malls where there are very few other dogs. I get all the attention, although, sometimes, my raiser has to tell people I’m working and can’t play. I’m not sure what working means, but whatever it is, it suits me just fine. Afterwards, I even get to fall asleep under a table. Wow, I do love to sleep.
Well, it’s time for bed, so I better go. I promise to write again soon.
Submitted by: Barb Haines