So guess who is a whole year old?? Me!! Can you believe it? I’m officially a 1-year-old dog. I had a lit candle on a pile of soft mousse dog food shaped like a dog bone, and they sang Happy Birthday to me. Wow! It was so fun I even got to eat it all. Life is good!

We went to the beach, and I wore my Birthday Girl crown and I really felt like a Princess for sure. At the beach, we saw so many other dogs, people, crows, squirrels, boats, a windsurfer, a train and even garbage sometimes! I’m not allowed to eat it, but I do get treats for walking right past it. The treats are way better than the garbage anyway, so it’s pretty easy to ignore!

I’m learning how to go to my bed when I hear a knock on the door, and I think I may be getting the hang of it. A Girl Guide came to the door selling cookies the other day, and when I heard the knock on the door, I went straight to my bed. Wow, did I get a lot of treats! I didn’t get any of those yummy chocolatey mint cookies though, but the treats were pretty good too.

So my raiser says that I seem to have woken up and have so much more energy now that the heat thing is over. I feel like I slept for months! It was so luxurious just sleeping in my cozy bed, and I was so well-behaved. Suddenly, I had all this energy, and I would race around the yard like I was possessed. I’ve been slowing down a bit with more training, exercise and outings. We’ve been playing more with pots and pans again, and the noise is so great! More music, too! Do I ever love music! My new favourite is, “How Do You Like Me Now?” by the Heavy.

Well, I’m off to bed again. Don’t forget to vote on October 19!!!

Submitted by: Barb Haines


Photo below…

Submitted by: Ulrich and Jocelyn, PADS Puppy in Training Sitter