‘Tis the dog days of Summer.
Although, if that means being lazy on hot, humid days, we didn’t get the memo. Festivals and block parties in the neighbourhood, musical performances, shopping trips, off-leash play on different trails with new friends, and even a strata meeting in a hotel conference room. We enjoyed an evening of baseball at The Nat with PADS Huckle and his human, the epitome of summer in Vancouver.
We had a sea day, taking little water taxis across False Creek to visit the Maritime Museum. It was hard to get comfortable on those small vessels with wet floors, lots of equipment, and people’s legs all around. The more people admired Puzzle’s engagement, the more fidgety he got. And yet, when other dogs got on the boat, he became quite the professional, knowing this was not a time to play. He was welcomed into all places at the museum, including the historic ship, around which the museum was built. He walked confidently into narrow spaces where the human barely fit with a backpack; it’s hard to imagine sailors living in such tight quarters.
We had a Walk & Talk with our trainer at a mall, and we were nervous! He had to demonstrate walking close to merchandise that was hanging on a wall, and gosh, did we breathe a sigh of relief when he didn’t try to “buy” any of it. At another mall, he let the human try on shoes without insisting on inspecting them first (although the human’s dad was cued to “sit, stay” so Puzzle would not follow him while the human was busy).
Now Puzzle has gone into his kennel, asking for quiet time. We love it when puppies are happy in their kennel, but can’t he pretend to miss us just a little bit?
Submitted by: Gwen