Happy 1st Birthday to Puzzle!

We thought for sure that he was trying to catch up in size to his PADS peers. He looked bigger every time he woke up from a nap! He was so proud to stand on the scale that we didn’t have the heart to tell him that 0.8kg weight gain might not meet the definition of a growth spurt, and he’s only 54 pounds. But he is strong, confident, and happy, and that is amazing!

We had to do some adult activities this month, including trips to the salon, the bank, and malls. He is working on settling when the human is sitting for quiet tasks like haircuts, appointments, or meals. 

Maybe he thinks those outings are boring for the human and she needs to do fun things. He started settling and sleeping through fitness classes where human was doing crazy moves to loud music. If our pups look bored or sleepy in Zumba while people are singing and dancing, we’re doing it right!

As if making up for his small stature, Puzzle really took his training up a notch. He was especially determined to advance his bed cue. We learned skills in training class and practiced. The next thing we knew, Puzzle was going to his bed whenever the human started brushing her teeth, brought out the vacuum, or answered the phone.

With all that hard work, Puzzle earned some great play with off-leash trail walks and trips to the beach. He might run in and out of the water a few times, but he prefers being on land, racing around for a few minutes and then slowing for a sniffy stroll.  He also loves his quiet time, cuddling on the floor with his person while chewing on a bone or toy (and sometimes he brings an extra bone for the human).

Submitted by: Gwen