Spring has sprung and Puzzle has a spring in his step.
He loves starting the day with a neighbourhood walk. He is learning that if he does not stop to eat sticks, he can walk or run faster, can sniff and see so much more.
We took advantage of spring weather with many trail walks, some quietly on our own, some exuberantly with other puppies. Puzzle has a very chill temperament, so even when other dogs try to keep him running, he takes time to stop and smell the earth.
A stormy day was the perfect excuse to visit a library for the first time. He settled under a chair for 20 minutes (a personal best!) but barked when he’d had enough (oops!). He even found a series of books to read. He is not ready to attend Zumba classes. He wants to dance but doesn’t know the choreography and gets underfoot. He tries to sing instead, but we can only encourage the humans to make noise.
We weave training into day-to-day activities and introduced many new cues this month. He enjoys learning, practicing, and showing off. A prouder puppy you have not met, when he mastered his “down”, showing off a series of textbook-worthy moves with a grin (never mind that we were trying to practice his “sit”).
Submitted by: Gwen